Start Your Coaching Journey.

The truth is ketamine is:

It’s unlike anything you've tried before

You're here to try something different, new, and game changing. Studies across the country have shown that Ketamine Therapy is extremely effective at treating depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other funky mental states. Nonetheless, this intervention is still new, and it's important to have someone who understands altered state of consciousness, the subconscious mind, and the truly transformational journey you're embarking on.

Ketamine is going to give you access to change your brain on a subconscious level. As a hypnotherapist for the past 5 years, and psychedelic integration coach for the past 3, I have a high level mastery of the subconscious mind, and I want to empower YOU to transform through this.

How I help:

  • I provide individualized support in the form of 1:1 phone/zoom coaching that maximizes the benefits of Ketamine Therapy.

  • Our sessions are tailored to your specific needs, goals, and experiences.

  • Together we will work on preparation and integration for your journeys.

Our work is divided into 3 sections:


Our first call will be one hour long and we will review the following topics:

  • Setting intentions for your transformation (aka the number one rule for psychedelic use)

  • Understanding what psychedelics are and why you can trust that this is the intervention that will work for you

  • What neuroplasticity is, why it's absolutely possible to change your brain, and also how ketamine helps

  • How to navigate challenges in the case of a bad trip

Making sense of your journeys

  • If you think of our preparation call as setting the GPS for where you're headed, our check in calls throughout your journey are to make sure that your ship is steering towards your desired outcome. This is where we explore the themes, symbols, and insights that emerged during your psychedelic experience


  • To integrate is to make whole.

  • No psychedelic is going to do the work for you. Psychedelics will show you how good your life can be and increase your access to neuroplasticity to make the changes you need. Together we’ll work on the actual change that will transform your life.

  • This is the exciting, transformational process where you get to become the new you! What would your life look like when you feel more alive, present, and happy, and are living aligned with your real goals, desires, and dreams? Let's find out together!

Getting started

  • Congratulations on taking the first step! This coaching option is for 3 hours together. We start off with a one hour consultation, and from there we can use the other 2 hours in either 30 or 60 minute increments, depending on what we agree to.

  • $555 for 3 hours ($185/hour)

  • These sessions are good for 3 months from our first call.


  • Congratulations on committing to your growth! This coaching option is for 6 hours together. We start off with a one hour consultation, and from there we can use the other hours in either 30 or 60 minute increments, depending on what we agree to.

  • $999 for 6 hours ($166/hour)

  • Sessions expire 4 months from our first call.


  • Congratulations on committing to your long term success! This coaching option is for 12 hours together. We start off with a one hour consultation, and from there we can use the other hours in either 30 or 60 minute increments, depending on what we agree to.

  • $1888 for 12 hours ($157/hours)

  • Sessions expire 8 months from our first call.

Take off..

  • Congratulations on committing to your long term success! This coaching option is for 24 hours together. We start off with a one hour consultation, and from there we can use the other hours in either 30 or 60 minute increments, depending on what we agree to.

  • $3600 for 24 hours ($150/hour)

  • Sessions expire 8 months from our first call.

Other Services: Anna Krishtal offers yoga and hypnotherapy in both individual and group settings. Techniques are based in NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis, and conscious change work techniques. One on one hypnosis sessions are done virtually on skype or the phone.


PLEASE NOTE: Anna Krishtal is a Certified Integrative Hypnotherapist, Psychedelic Transformational Coach, and Yoga Instructor. I am not a psychotherapist or licensed mental health practitioner. My role is focused on providing guidance, support, and integration assistance based on my knowledge and experience in the field of psychedelics, subconscious exploration, inner child healing, and shadow work. It is important to consult with licensed professionals for any therapeutic or clinical needs you may have.


**please note that all sales are final and packages are non-transferrable

“I attribute feeling better to the combo of ketamine and my coach guiding me. One without the other would not be as effective. It’s like Peanut Butter and Jelly, you need the combo for success.”

— Deb G, Maryland